Friday, August 16, 2019

Glasgow - Friday - Final Practice

By now you get the idea of our day... coffee, toast (or a full breakfast) and then band practice.... it's raining steady so it will be a wet one today. Forecast has rain and winds for tomorrow but that can change quickly here! 

Reports from last night have several band members out for Pad Thai while others hit the Hard Rock Cafe for appetizers.... then a stop at the Station Pub for a pint. A relatively quiet night as the band starts to focus and readies for the big day.

The drummers invaded the kitchen on queue and their practice went well. A good discussion on preparation, expectations and the realty of just doing the best you can and feeling good about the performance, regardless of the outcome.   

The last drum practice in Scotland!

Practice - The pipes are coming in quickly and setup is becoming shorter and shorter with all the recent playing. Sound is solid and the musicality of the band overall is well ahead of 2017. A bit of misty rain fell and gusty winds her and there but on almost on queue, it started to clear as the practice ended... yep this is Scotland!

We gathered in the kitchen and had a bite of lunch as the live stream from Glasgow Green played on our TV. The Grade 1 bands played their MSR in the morning so Kris had set up his laptop and ran the feed in. 
Live stream into the kitchen
With the forecast for nicer weather in the afternoon, a bunch of us headed out to watch the Grade 1 Bands play their Medley at Glasgow Green. Kelly, Paul and I jumped in an Uber and went down to 1) to watch the Grade 1's play and 2) scope out the venue for the band's playing on Saturday.

We were dropped off at the park and quickly made our way in. Once settled into the free grandstand seating, we watched the bands march on, play one of two medleys and then exit. Every three minutes a new band would march on. Fantastic!
SFU is the first band up in the afternoon... great sound!
Field Marshal Montgomery walks out after another great performance
During a break Paul and I waved at the fans watching online while Kris grabbed a screen shot back at the dorm.
This is as close as well will get to the circle!
We then walked over to the area where the band will play and checked out the grounds. The Drumming Major practice was in full swing :-) This is the same location that they played at in 2017 so somewhat familiar ground. This particular field area #6 was in good condition and will work out nicely.
Field #6 is in good shape
 A quick ride home and we made dinner plans... now dinner plans ago something like this.... "Well what's the plan?.... I don't know.. what do you feel like?... I don't know... well I'm hungry.. lets go somewhere... how about fish & chips?... no I'm done with fish & chips!..." You get the idea!

We "decided" on Wagamama, a Chinese Fusion place just off the main walkway downtown. It had a nice variety of dishes and was very good. The Mackay clan also came down.  

A quick supply stop on the way home for sandwich makings and then back to the dorms. We all took turns making lunches for tomorrow as it will be along day. 

The bus leaves at approximately  7 am so everyone headed for bed. With over 200 bands here to compete it's going to be a bit crazy!
Tomorrow's schedule has two groups in 4A for a total of 31 bands in that particular grade alone . I am told 6 bands from each flight (total of 12 bands) will qualify for the final group starting at 2 pm.  The band plays 7th at site #6. 

Dinner at Wagamama

Grade 4A - Qualifier 2
17 09:00 Kirkcudbright and District
18 09:08 Lower Clyde Pipes and Drums
19 09:16 Raphoe Ulster Scots- Eire
20 09:24 Rothesay and District
21 09:32 High Desert - Albuquerque - USA
22 09:40 Kelty and Blairadam
23 09:48 Greater Victoria Police - Canada
24 09:56 Glenrothes and District 2010
25 10:04 Elgin and District
26 10:12 Cullybackey
27 10:20 12 Wing RCAF - Canada
28 10:28 Kirkcaldy and District
29 10:36 Fraserburgh Royal British Legion
30 10:44 Edradour Pitlochry and Blair Atholl
31 10:52 Royal Burgh of Stirling 

There is a live stream of the Grade 1 pipe bands that you can watch at

I will post to my FB page as time permits but the blog will be much later.... 

Homeward Bound

Up early for our cab ride to the airport. Kris ordered a seven passenger van the night before and a regular cab showed up. Arghh! With bags ...